Friday, July 29, 2011

Needs no words...

It just seems like a mystery to me how this all happened. I still can't get over the fact that Sweetums actually had the baby and that the baby was a girl! It's just one of those blessings that I am so grateful for, and yet at the same time, I don't actually believe it happened to us. After the intense sadness surrounding Sweetums' first delivery, I am of course that much more amazed and thankful for such a great story this time. And to look at this picture, just makes everything worth it. All the times I thought about the kids going through another heartbreaking loss of an animal; all the times I worried about Sweetums' health and well-being; all the times I just plain worried... now have just faded. So that is why this photo actually didn't need an explanation. But I couldn't stop myself from writing one :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Halter Training-Day 1

Little farm girl is getting ready for the North Florida Fair in November. Since the farmer and I don't have any experience with animal showing, we brought in a local expert to help. Today was our first day learning the pun intended...and Maxine is totally on board! She participated well and seemed like she knew what we were trying to accomplish. Sweetums on the other hand...wasn't exactly a fan of being separated from her little one. These are going to be daily sessions, so hopefully as time passes everyone will get used to their responsibilities!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Maxine, you look mah-ve-lous!

I just can't help myself---this little girl is just too cute for words. I am glued to my binocs all day, finding her in the pasture, watching her nurse, seeing her run to her Mama...oh my word!

She is curious and energetic.

She is approachable and friendly.

Heavens to Betsy this kid is cute.

Even the why-are-you-burying-your-head-in-grass shots are precious!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Evolution of a name

Naming people and pets and places is an interesting process. For the farmer and me, we've always chosen names that have a special meaning to us personally. Our kids names are a combination of family names and names of personal significance. Our pets names don't follow a pattern necessarily since the kids have helped out with those. Naming the new calf has been a ongoing process and took a pretty funny turn at the end.

My daughter has decided to begin a career of showing animals in our regional fair. This year she can show a large animal and since our calf would be born at just the right time for this, we told her this calf would be hers to raise. She has been thinking of names for 9 months, like any mother-to-be does.

It started out that if it were a boy or a girl, the name would be Sweet Little Buttercup. We all wanted 'sweet' in there since our Mama cow is Sweetums and her first calf was called Bittersweet, so we wanted to continue the thread. But as time went on, she decided that if it were a boy it would be Sweet-tarts, and a girl would be Buttercup (for short). So it was settled.

We were out of town at the time of the birth of the calf. We received a text from my father-in-law that said: "Bull calf born @6pm" I have always known the sex of my children before they were born, so finding out like this was new to me. I really felt in that moment that I was so happy for a healthy baby it really didn't matter to me that deep down we all were wishing for a heifer. Our daughter saw the photo that was sent along with the text and immediately said, "His name is Sweet-tarts!" And then a few minutes later she looked at the photo again, and said "His name is Max actually." I seriously don't have a clue where this came from, and was so shocked at her last minute decision to change his name to something that not only didn't have 'sweet' in it, but was in such stark contrast to our previous choices, that I just laughed and said "OK, Max it is." We sent a text back to my FIL on the name so he could properly address the calf until we got home.

About an hour later, we got a text from my FIL: "Max is actually Maxine". We all thought this was wildly funny and when I gave our daughter the news, she absolutely loved the name and it has stuck.

Introducing Sweet Maxine...I added the Sweet!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's a GIRL!

Sweetums brought a beautiful baby girl calf into the world on July 19 @6pm. Mother and baby are doing wonderful and enjoying all the newness and cuteness of each other. More photos and stories to follow!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Still waiting...

Due date is this Thursday! And she is still large and in charge...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Been awhile...

Haven't posted in a good long while and for that I am deeply sorry. So many friends have been worried and wondering about the ol gal Sweetums, and I just haven't had the time to keep everyone up to date. But since we are nearing the birth of her calf, I figured it was time to get the blog up and running again.

We are nearing her due date, which is technically July 17, but since due dates are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine, I am holding very loosely to that. She was about 8 days early last time she calved. Also, being a Jersey breed, she has a slightly shorter pregnancy than the average cow. So I'm not really sure if I can use the due date and then count back 8 days. Who knows!? So I just wait.

The waiting is what is a killer. I thought it was hard to be 9 months pregnant 3 different times. This is so much harder! I can't ask her any questions to let me know that everything is OK. She doesn't go to weekly check-ups to hear the heart beat and have her urine tested for protein. She can't tell me about any unusual aches or feelings. So I just wring my hands, stare at her through binoculars, and know her exact where abouts at any given moment during the day.

It is exhausting. I don't know how much longer I can keep on like this!

I forgot the part about all the internet research I'm doing too. Everyone knows how productive that exercise is in calming fears and putting worries to rest.

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that we are getting closer every day and to please stay tuned to find out all the latest news about your favorite cow.

By the way...the kids came up with a precious name....Sweet Little Buttercup :) It met the one requirement we have of using 'sweet' in the name (Sweetums, Bittersweet, you get the idea). I love it!